
For publications see my publications website & Research Gate profile & Google Scholar

List of cited references (but also see Biography section for project related publications and open access download links)

Allen M.R., Shine K.P., Fuglestvedt J.S., Millar R.J., Cain M., Frame D.J. & Macey A.H. (2018) npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 1:16.

Ashby M.A. & A. Heinemeyer (2019a) Prescribed burning impacts on ecosystem services in the British uplands: a methodological critique of the EMBER project. Journal of Applied Ecology, 00:1-9. 

Ashby M.A. & A. Heinemeyer (2019b) Whither scientific debate? A rebuttal of “Contextualising UK moorland burning studies: geographical versus potential sponsorship-bias effects on research conclusions” by Brown and Holden (bioRxiv 2019; 731117). 

M.A. Ashby & A. Heinemeyer (2021) A critical review of the IUCN UK Peatland Programme’s “Burning and Peatlands” Position Statement. Wetlands.

Anderson B.J., P.R. Armsworth, F. Eigenbrod, C.D. Thomas, S. Gillings, A. Heinemeyer, D.B. Roy & K.J. Gaston (2009) Spatial covariance between biodiversity and other ecosystem services. Journal of Applied Ecology 46: 888-896.

Balcombe P., Speirs J.F., Brandon N.P. & Hawkes A.D. (2018) Methane emissions: choosing the right climate metric and time horizon. Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 20: 1323–1339.

Bellamy P.H., P.J. Loveland, R. Ian Bradley, R. Murray Lark & G.J.D. Kirk (2005) Carbon losses from all soils across England and Wales 1978−2003. Nature, 437: 245-248.

Billett M.F., Garnett M.H. & Dinsmore K.J. (2015) Should aquatic CO2 evasion be included in contemporary carbon budgets for peatland ecosystems? Ecosystems, 18(3): 471-480.

Briones M.J.I., P. Ineson & A. Heinemeyer (2007) Predicting potential impacts of climate change on the geographical distribution of enchytraeids: a meta-analysis approach. Global Change Biology 13: 2252–2269.

Carroll M., Dennis P., Pearce-Higgins, J. & Thomas C. (2011) Maintaining northern peatland ecosystems in a changing climate: effects of soil moisture, drainage and drain blocking on craneflies. Global Change Biology, 17: 2991-3001. 

Carroll M., A. Heinemeyer, J. Pearce-Higgins, P. Dennis, C. West, J. Holden, Z. Wallage & C. Thomas (2015) Hydrologically-driven ecosystem processes determine the distribution and persistence of ecosystem-specialist predators under climate change. Nature Communication, 6: 7851. 

Clark J.M., Billett M.F., Coyle M., Croft S., Daniels S., Evans C.D., Evans M., Freeman C., Gallego-Sala A.V., Heinemeyer A., House J.I., Monteith D.T., Nayak D., Orr H.G., Prentice I.C., Rose R., Rowson J., Smith J.U., Smith P., Tun Y.M., Vanguelova E., Wetterhall F. & Worrall F.(2010) Model inter-comparison between statistical and dynamic model 2 assessments of the long-term stability of GB blanket peat (1940-2099). Climate Research (Special Issue: Climate Change and the British Uplands) 45: 227–248

Clark J.M., Heinemeyer A., Martin P. ,Bottrell  S. (2012) Processes controlling DOC in pore water during simulated drought cycles in six different UK peats. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 109: 253-270.

Clutterbuck B. & Yallop A. (2010). Land management as a factor controlling dissolved organic carbon release from upland peat soils 2: Changes in DOC productivity over four decades. Science of The Total Environment, 408, 6179-6191.

Clymo R.S. (1984) The limits to peat bog growth. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. B 303: 605-54.

Cox P.M., R.A. Betts, C.D. Jones, S.A. Spall and I.J. Totterdale (2000) Acceleration of global warming due to carbon-cycle feedbacks in a coupled climate model. Nature, 408: 184-87.

Critchley, N. et al. (in prep.) Condition Surveys of Upland Priority Habitats in England: blanket bog. ADAS draft rep. to Natural England.

Eigenbrod F., B.J. Anderson, P.R. Armsworth, A. Heinemeyer, S.F. Jackson, M. Parnell, C.D. Thomas & K.J. Gaston (2009) Ecosystem service benefits of contrasting conservation strategies in a human-dominated region. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 276, 2903–2911, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2009.0528.

Eigenbrod F., B.J.Anderson, P.R.Armsworth, A.Heinemeyer, S.Gillings, C.D.Thomas & K.J.Gaston (2010) Representation of ecosystem services by tiered conservation strategies. Conservation Letters 3: 184–191.

Eigenbrod F., P.R.Armsworth, B.J.Anderson, A.Heinemeyer, S.Gillings, D.B.Roy, C.D.Thomas & K.J.Gaston (2010) The impact of proxy-based methods on mapping the distribution of ecosystem services. Journal of Applied Ecology 47: 377-385.

Eigenbrod F., P.R.Armsworth, B.J.Anderson, A.Heinemeyer, S.Gillings, D.B.Roy, C.D.Thomas & K.J.Gaston (2010) Error propagation associated with benefits transfer based mapping of ecosystem. Biological Conservation, 143: 2487-2493.

Eigenbrod F., V.A. Bell, H.N. Davies, A. Heinemeyer, P.R. Armsworth & K.J. Gaston (2011) Impact of projected increases in urbanization on ecosystem services. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 278: 3201-3208.

Evans, C.D., Bonn, A., Holden, J. et al. 2014. Relationships between anthropogenic pressures and ecosystem functions in UK blanket bogs: Linking process understanding to ecosystem service valuation. Ecosystem Services, 9, 5–19.

Evans, C. D., Baird, A. J., Green, S. M., Page, S. E., Peacock, M., Reed, M. S., Rose, N. L., Stoneman, R., Thom, T. J., Young, D. M., & Garnett, M. H. (2019). Comment on: “Peatland carbon stocks and burn history: Blanket bog peat core evidence highlights charcoal impacts on peat physical properties and long‐term carbon storage,” by A. Heinemeyer, Q. Asena, W. L. Burn and A. L. Jones (Geo: Geography and Environment 2018; e00063). Geo: Geography and Environment, 6, e00075.

Flanagan, NE, Wang, H, Winton, S, Richardson, CJ. (2020) Low‐severity fire as a mechanism of organic matter protection in global peatlands: Thermal alteration slows decomposition. Glob Change Biol, 00:1-17.

Garnett M. (1998) PhD thesis "Carbon storage in Pennine moorland and response to change". University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 

Garnett, M.H., Ineson. P. and Stevenson, A.C. 2000. Effects of burning and grazing on carbon sequestration in a Pennine blanket bog, UK. The Holocene, 10, 729–736.

Hartley I.P., A. Heinemeyer & P. Ineson (2007a) Effects of three years of soil warming and shading on the rate of soil respiration: substrate availability and not thermal acclimation mediates observed response. Global Change Biology 13: 1761-1770.

Hartley I.P., A. Heinemeyer, S.P. Evans & P. Ineson (2007b) The effect of soil warming on bulk soil versus rhizosphere respiration. Global Change Biology 13: 2654-2667.

Heinemeyer A., S. Croft, M.H. Garnett, M. Gloor, J. Holden, M.R. Lomas & P. Ineson (2010) The MILLENNIA peat cohort model, predicting past, present and future soil carbon budgets and fluxes under changing climates in peatlands. Climate Research (Special Issue: Climate Change and the British Uplands) 45: 207–226.

Heinemeyer A., C. Di Bene, A.R. Lloyd, D. Tortorella, R. Baxter, B. Huntley, A. Gelsomino &  P. Ineson (2011) Soil respiration: implications of the plant-soil continuum and respiration chamber collar-insertion depth on measurement and modelling of soil CO2 efflux rates in three ecosystems. European Journal of Soil Sciences 62: 82-94.

Heinemeyer A. & McNamara N.P. (2011) Comparing the closed static versus the closed dynamic chamber flux methodology: implications for soil respiration studies. Plant and Soil, 346: 145–151.

Heinemeyer A., Gruber V. & Bahn M. (2012a) The ‘Gas-Snake’: Design and validation of a versatile membrane-based gas flux measurement system in a grassland soil respiration study. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 154-155: 166-173.

Heinemeyer A., Tortorella D., Petrovicová B., Gelsomino A. (2012b) Partitioning of soil CO2 flux components in a grassland ecosystem, European Journal of Soil Science, 63, 249–260.

Heinemeyer A., Wilkinson M., Vargas R., Subke J.-A. , Casella E. ,Morison J.I.L.  & Ineson  P. (2012c) Exploring the “overflow tap” theory: linking forest soil CO2 fluxes and individual mycorrhizosphere components to photosynthesis. Biogeosciences, 9, 79–95, 2012.

Heinemeyer A. & G.T. Swindles (2018) Unraveling past impacts of climate change and land management on historic peatland development using proxy-based reconstruction, monitoring data and process modeling. Global Change Biology, 24(9): 4131-4142.

Heinemeyer A., Q. Asena, W.L. Burn & A.L. Jones (2018) Peatland carbon stocks and burn history: blanket bog peat core evidence highlights charcoal impacts on peat physical properties and long-term carbon storage. GEO: Geography and Environment 5(2), e00063. 

Heinemeyer A.,  Q. Asena, W.L. Burn, A.L. Jones & M.A. Ashby (2019) Response to: Comment on “Peatland carbon stocks and burn history: Blanket bog peat core evidence highlights charcoal impacts on peat physical properties and long-term carbon storage by Evans et al. GEO: Geography and Environment. 

Heinemeyer A., T.J. Sloan & R. Berry (2019) Assessing soil compaction and micro-topography impacts of alternative heather cutting as compared to burning as part of grouse moor management on blanket bog. PeerJ. 

Heinemeyer A., Vallack H.W., Morton P.A., Pateman R., Dytham C., Ineson P., McClean C., Bristow C. and Pearce-Higgins J.W. (2019) with an Appendix by Richard A. Lindsay. Restoration of heather-dominated blanket bog vegetation on grouse moors for biodiversity, carbon storage, greenhouse gas emissions and water regulation: comparing burning to alternative mowing and uncut management. Final Report to Defra on Project BD5104, Stockholm Environment Institute at the University of York, York,  UK.

Holden, J., Chapman, P.J. and Labadz, J.C. (2004) Artificial drainage of peatlands: hydrological and hydrochemical process and wetland restoration. Progress in Physical Geography, 28 (1): 95-123. 

Holland R.A., F. Eigenbrod, P.R. Armsworth, B.J. Anderson, C.D. Thomas, A. Heinemeyer, S. Gillings, D.B. Roy & K.J. Gaston (2011) Spatial covariation between freshwater and terrestrial ecosystem services. Ecological Applications, 21(6): 2034-2048.

Kennedy M.C., C.W. Anderson, A. Heinemeyer, M.R. Lomas, A. O’Hagan, S. Quegan & F.I. Woodward (2008) Quantifying Uncertainty in the Biospheric Carbon Flux for England and Wales. Journal Royal Statistical Society 171 doi: 10.1111/j.1467-985X.2007.00486.x.

Lindsay, R. (2010). Peatbogs and carbon: a critical synthesis. Report to RSPB. 

Luscombe, D.J., Anderson K., Grand-Clement E., Gatis N., Ashe J., Benaud P., Smith D. &  Brazier R.E. (2016) Journal of Hydrology, 541: 1329-1339.

McCarroll, J., Chambers, F.M., Webb, J.C. & Thom, T. (2017) Application of palaeoecology for peatland conservation at Mossdale Moor, UK, Quaternary International, 432 (A): 39-47.

Milcu A., Lukac M., Subke J.-A.,Heinemeyer A., Wildman D., Anderson R., Manning P. & Ineson P. (2012) Biotic carbon feedbacks in a materially-closed soil-vegetation-atmosphere system, Nature Climate Change, 2: 281-284.

Milligan, A.L., Marrs, R.H. & Putwain, P.D. (1999). A laboratory assessment of the relative sensitivity of Molinia caerulea (L.) Moench and Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull to a range of herbicides. Annals of Applied Biology, 135, 503-508.

Moilanen A., B.J. Anderson, F. Eigenbrod, A. Heinemeyer, D.B. Roy, S. Gillings, P.R. Armsworth, K.J. Gaston & C.D Thomas (2011) Balancing alternative land uses in conservation prioritization. Ecological Applications, 21(5): 1419–1426.

Moody C.S. & Worrall F. (2017) Modeling rates of DOC degradation using DOM composition and hydroclimatic variables, J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosci., 122, doi:10.1002/2016JG003493.

Morton P.A. & A. Heinemeyer (2018) Vegetation matters: Correcting chamber carbon flux measurements using plant volumes. Science of the Total Environment, 639: 769-772. 

Morton P.A. & A. Heinemeyer (2019) Bog breathing: the extent of peat shrinkage and expansion on blanket bogs in relation to water table, heather management and dominant vegetation and its implications for carbon stock assessments. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 27: 467–482. 

Natural England (2010). England’s Peatlands: Greenhouse Gases and Carbon Storage. Natural England report NE257, Natural England, Sheffield. 

Neubauer S.C. & Menonigal J.P. (2015) Moving beyond global warming potentials to quantify the climatic role of ecosystems. Ecosystems, 18:1000-1013.

Neubauer (2021) Global Warming Potential Is Not an Ecosystem Property. Ecosystems, 

O’Brien, H., Labadz, J. & Butcher, D. (2007). Review of Blanket Bog Management and Restoration: Technical Report to Defra (Project No. CTE0513), University of Nottingham.

Pearce-Higgins (2010) Using diet to assess the sensitivity of northern and upland birds to climate change. Climate Research, 45: 119–130.

Rogers, G.M. (1996). Control, demography, and post-control response of heather in the central North Island: Part 2. Science for Conservation: 29. Department of Conservation, Wellington, New Zealand.

Stewart-Oaten, Murdoch, Parker (1986) Environmental Impact Assessment: "Pseudoreplication" in Time? Ecology, 67(4), 929-940.

Street L.E., J.A.Subke, M. Sommerkorn, A. Heinemeyer & M.Williams (2011) Turnover of recently assimilated carbon in arctic bryophytes. Oecologia, 167: 325-337.

Tallis, J.H. (1991) Forest and Moorland in the South Pennine Uplands in the Mid-Flandrian Period.: III. The Spread of Moorland - Local, Regional and National. Journal of Ecology, 79, 401–415.

Tarnocai C, Canadell JG, Schuur EAG, Kuhry P, Mazhitova G, Zimov S (2009) Soil organic carbon pools in the northern circumpolar permafrost region. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 23.

Todd, P.A., Phillips, J.D.P., Putwain, P.D. & Marrs, R.H. (2000). Control of Molinia caerulea on moorland. Grass & Forage Science, 55, 181-191.

Vicca S., S. Luyssaert, J. Peñuelas, M. Campioli, Chapin FS III., P. Ciais, A. Heinemeyer, P. Högberg, W.L. Kutsch, B.E. Law, Y. Malhi, D. Papale, S.L. Piao, M. Reichstein, E.D. Schulze, I.A. Janssens (2012) Fertile forests produce biomass more efficiently. Ecology Letters, 15: 520-526.

Webb B.W., Clack P.D. & Walling D.E. (2003) Water–air temperature relationships in a Devon river system and the role of flow. Hydrol. Process. 17: 3069–3084.

Wilson, L., Wilson, J., Holden, J., Johnstone, I., Armstrong, A. and Morris, M. (2010). Recovery of water tables in Welsh blanket bog after drain blocking: discharge rates, time scales and the influence of local conditions. Journal of Hydrology, 391, 377–386.

Worrall F. , Reed M., Warburton J. & Burt T. (2003) Carbon budget for a British upland peat catchment. The Science of the Total Environment 312: 133–146.

Worrall F., Armstrong A., Adamson J.K. (2006).  The effects of burning and sheep-grazing on water table depth and soil water quality in an upland peat, Journal of Hydrology, 339, 1-14.

Young, D.M., Baird, A.J., Charman, D.J. et al. (2019) Misinterpreting carbon accumulation rates in records from near-surface peat. Sci Rep 9, 17939.